Ask An Expert·2 min read

Do Hair Growth Supplements Work?

Dear Expert,

Do hair growth supplements work? 

Dear Anonymous,

Yes, hair growth supplements work, but in the right context and for the right person. Supplements are not a magic bullet to treat hair loss or thinning. Plus, there are so many reasons why we lose our hair. 

Stress is often the root cause, and no hair growth supplement alone can help with stress-related hair loss — it's about managing your stress. Other major factors include fluctuating hormones, such as due to aging. Temporary hair loss can happen from taking medication or if you are sick with a virus, and it should subside a few months. If it doesn’t, you’ll want visit your doctor to narrow down the cause. 

They’ll do a blood test to see if you’re deficient in certain nutrients, and may recommend supplements to up your intake, which may help reduce hair loss. But for someone without any nutritional deficiencies or other medical problems that may be attributed to hair loss, hair growth supplements are likely not going to be that helpful. 

Featured Expert

Sophia Reid, MD, FAAD

Sophia Reid, MD, FAAD - A board-certified dermatologist

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