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I’ve Been Whitening My Teeth With Laughland’s Kit for Years and Have Never Experienced Tooth Sensitivity

laughland teeth whitening kit review
Design: theSkimm | Images: Alexandra Napoli
August 15, 2024

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What I tested…

Laughland’s Personalized Teeth Whitening Kit and 8-17 formula with 11% hydrogen peroxide. ($19+)

Why I tested…

Why I tested Laughland's Whitening Kit

How I tested…

I used Laughland’s Whitening Kit once a day at bedtime, for one week. I whitened my teeth for 10 minutes. It’s recommended you whiten for at least five and up to 15. 

Test Results…

  • Effectiveness. Laughland works. My teeth are always whiter by the end of the week. Since I started using this kit bimonthly, my smile has been maintained and I never really think about the color of my teeth. The 8-17 formula is definitely stronger, so I noticed my teeth whitened in less time than when using the 8-16 formula. 

  • No sensitivity. I’ve used Laughland for years and have never experienced teeth sensitivity before, during, or after use, when drinking both hot or cold liquids. I was curious to see if the stronger 8-17 formula would produce some sensitivity since it’s 37.5% stronger than what I’m used to, but it didn’t. No shooting pains or dull aches. This morning I drank an iced coffee with no issue. 

  • Ease of use. The process is easy, and fits into my bedtime routine seamlessly. As I’m getting ready for bed, I brush my teeth, then whiten for 10 minutes. I rinse, pop in my retainer (hot), and off to bed I go. It’s not a lengthy or annoying process, but I recommend bedtime because you’re not supposed to have dark-colored or acidic drinks (like wine or coffee) for six hours after whitening. 

  • Kit. Within the kit you receive a LED mouthpiece, three whitening gel applicators in your formula, and the power cable that plugs into your phone (with three ports for different phone models). The only thing missing in my opinion is a case to house the mouthpiece after you’re done. I keep mine in a plastic bag because the box everything ships in is too bulky for my medicine cabinet.

review of Laughland's teeth whitening kit
Alexandra Napoli


  • Ingredients in formulas include hydrogen peroxide, sodium bicarbonate, glycerin, and more. 

  • Each blend of formula has a varying percentage of active whitening ingredients depending on stain type. They vary from 7-17% hydrogen peroxide and 10-23% sodium bicarbonate.

  • To find the formula best for your teeth, you’ll take a quiz and answer questions about your brushing habits, diet, dental history, and more.

  • Once you’ve set up your profile, you can switch between formulas after talking to an in-house customer specialist. 

  • I experienced a minor aftertaste due to the formula, but it wasn’t powerful. Once I rinsed out my mouth, I didn’t experience a lingering taste. 

The Fine Details…

  • $19 for an initial subscription signup and kit, $25/month for three refill gel applicators. This $25 can be charged on a monthly or bimonthly basis, depending on how often you want to whiten your teeth. 

  • If you do a one-time purchase, the kit is $76. Within the kit you’ll receive the LED mouthpiece, power cord, and three gel applicators.

  • You can edit or cancel your subscription at any time. 

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